Friday, 17 October 2008

Guessing Game And Broken Bones.

Babs (Beetle) got it right first, it's a smashing set of drink coasters! They're very cool indeed. :0)

Just heard from my oncologist last night that I have fractured my pelvis! I had an x-ray taken on Monday due to pain in my pubic bone and it turns out there's a crack. The good news is that there are already signs of new bone growth. He reckons it fractured due to me using my walking stick and walking oddly causing stress on that area. He says it's nothing to do with progression of disease and in fact the original tumour on my pelvis is repairing itself due to the bone strengthening treatment I have been having. So good news really.

I'm off now for a weekend away in the camper so hopefully I'll have some nice photos to show you on my return.


Babs (Beetle) said...

That's such good news! Have a great weekend :O)

P.S. I won....Go girl!

Lynne the Pencil said...

Yick - fancy setting your glass of champers down on a hamburger!!!! It would entirely clash with the crooked pinky finger.

Glad to hear your oddly excellent news, although you really should give up the River Dancing for a while...

Have a lovely time!

Croom said...

What good news Sindie. Who would have thought you would be pleased at the news you have broken your pelvis ah!

I would have thought the surface of some of the coaters were to wobbly :O) I would ever have guessed that!

Sarah said...

Oooooouch!I never thought there could be a silver linning in a broken pelvis. I've learnt something new today!

Have a wonderful time away.

Big hugs, Sarah x

emilyyy said...

What else are you going to do to yourself!? Goodness me. Glad it's getting better though =)


All Bear by Paula said...

Hope you're more comfortable now Sindy ... just popped in to wish you, Gary and the girls a very happy Christmas x