Saturday, 4 October 2008

Guest Gallery Macro Shots.

Here are the first of my 'Guest Gallery' macro shots.

These first two are from Emily. She took them at college where she is delighted to be taking photography as one of her subjects:

These two are from Babs who has always been a bit of a whizz at photography. This first one is Sukie. Look at those beautiful eyes:

And this is Mitzi. I love this photo. Take a look at those marvelous fangs and if you click on the photo you can even see the spines on her tongue. Wonderful!:

Anyone else want to send some macro shots?

Friday, 3 October 2008

A Study of Arthur

Just for want of something to do, I decided to share Arthur with you today. He's my constant companion and is always by my side to look after me. He sleeps with me at night, sleeps with me during the fact he probably sleeps through his dinner too!

Here's a macro shot of his paw which I have to kiss, even though it's jolly unhygienic!:

And here he is in his favourite position, belly up for luvvahs. I kiss that too:

Here he is being shy and demure:

And lastly, check out his 'airbrushed' nose:

All of these are clickable and the nose and paw were taken with macro.