Monday, 13 October 2008


Well, you've all had your guess and you're all wrong! This may not please you as much as it pleases me, but I love a bit of kitsch! Here's the hamburger seperated out:

I reckon this makes it obvious, but maybe not. It's a lifesize hamburger by the way.


granny grimble said...

There's nothing obvious about it!
I suppose it DOES have a use and isn't simply a kitchen ornament?

Babs (Beetle) said...

I agree with Leeta. Nothing obvious about it - unless, you know what it is! Get giving a hint!

Gary said...

It/they is/are very useful actually. Something I use every day, several times a day.

Croom said...

Oh dear, I have no idea at all, give us a small clue Sindie. Do not tell us the answer until you have asked if we want it.

Do they contain anything? Like smellies.

Croom said...

They are not timing devises are they? Like egg timers, Tablet timers etc.

Croom said...

Is it just a comfort thing that feels relaxing when handled.?

Come on you lot and Sindie answer :O)

Babs (Beetle) said...

Condiment set?
Serviette weights?
Drink coasters?

granny grimble said...

yes Babs, I like your idea of coasters, I reckon that's what they are, If not, they ought to be!

Sarah said...

I'm going with coasters too. Its the first thing I thought of and I'm sticking with it!

Hugs, Sarah x

granny grimble said...

Congratulations Babs, Beetle strikes again!