Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Guest Gallery Macro Shots 4.

Here's one from Tina. Poor little moth!:


granny grimble said...


Croom said...

I know :O( But it is meant for nats and mossies.

Babs (Beetle) said...

For someone who's photos are usually so blurred (ha ha ha) that's a great macro shot!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Whilst they are all good, I still think your cats paw is by far the best though Sindie. It's soooo clear :O)

Gary said...

And now for someting completely disgusting...

weechuff said...

That's a really good shot. Come on Leeta, where are yours?

Croom said...

Sindie told me how to do it Babs, the first shot was really blurred.