Thursday, 9 August 2007

I'm a Terrible Liar!

Actually, now I have pulled all the plasters off I count seven holes. I wouldn't like to exaggerate. I must say I am a tad disappointed though. Although seven is most impressive (and beats my previous record of six) it still isn't as good a nine! It still hurted though and I still need chocolate. ;0)

Check back in a few hours and I shall tell-all re: silk ribbons. X X X X


granny grimble said...

Liar! Liar! Bum's on fire!

Gary said...

My bum's not on fire, but my hands are. OUCH!

weechuff said...

Oh, did some of the ink spots rub off then?

Gary said...

I was trying to remember where they jabbed me, but when I took all the plasters off and cleaned myself up I was able to count them.

Croom said...

ha ha, so you won't spray blood like a watering can? still I must say that seven is six to many!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Even with only seven it's still worse than my cat scratches :O)