Friday, 17 October 2008
Guessing Game And Broken Bones.
Just heard from my oncologist last night that I have fractured my pelvis! I had an x-ray taken on Monday due to pain in my pubic bone and it turns out there's a crack. The good news is that there are already signs of new bone growth. He reckons it fractured due to me using my walking stick and walking oddly causing stress on that area. He says it's nothing to do with progression of disease and in fact the original tumour on my pelvis is repairing itself due to the bone strengthening treatment I have been having. So good news really.
I'm off now for a weekend away in the camper so hopefully I'll have some nice photos to show you on my return.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Birthday Party.
Emily's party was neon themed and here's her make-up that I did for her:
And here's her smashing neon outfit. Please note her birthday present that she's wearing on her feet:
Here's a beautiful photo of my little princess Suzie, just because:
And lastly, here's a guessing game. I was tickled pink to buy this today. What do you think it's for? It's made of ceramic and each layer comes apart for a special purpose:
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Guest Gallery Macro Shots 8.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Guest Gallery Macro Shots 5.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Guest Gallery Macro Shots 3.
This next one is of a cactus that I bought mum years ago and is now about three times the size. If you liked the spines on the feather Tina, try these for size!:
Guest Gallery Macro Shots 2.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Guest Gallery Macro Shots.
These first two are from Emily. She took them at college where she is delighted to be taking photography as one of her subjects:
Friday, 3 October 2008
A Study of Arthur
Here's a macro shot of his paw which I have to kiss, even though it's jolly unhygienic!:
And here he is in his favourite position, belly up for luvvahs. I kiss that too:
Here he is being shy and demure:
Friday, 5 September 2008
London Trip.
So many people have asked me to blog about London and I wasn't really in the mood to. But I've given in because Emily downloaded all the photos for me so I didn't really have an excuse! First of all, here are a few photos to cheer you up on this awful rainy day. Here is a vase of the orange Lillis that grow in so many of our gardens. They're often seen outside, but it never occurred to me to put some in a vase until now. It's like I brought a little bit of sunshine into the house:
And this is Emily's first day at college. She does make me laugh! What a get-up!:
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Golly, It's Been a Long Time!
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Firstly, here's a short video of me on my new scooter as promised:
Whilst out with dad and Pickles today I had the most spectacular crash on my scooter! Dad was egging me on to 'off road' down a steep, grassy path and I said no. Somehow though, I accelerated at full speed down the slope, tipped sideways and ended upside down with the scooter on top of me. I winded myself and had to lie there in thick thistles, upside down while dad pulled the scooter off me. I had to lay there a while to recover. I think all I did was bruised my knee and pull some muscles in my chest. I broke the brake lever off the scooter. I wonder how much that will cost to replace? Oh well, it could have been so much worst, think of Ozzy Osborne!
Oh and a little bit of good news; today they took the marks and tape off my upper back because they said they had done with that bit. That surely means that my throat and mouth can now start to recover? The doctor said it will still be a couple of weeks from now, but I wasn't expecting the radio' to stop on that bit till Friday so I'm quite pleased about that!
Fat Steroid Face and New Scooter.
I received my new super-duper three wheeled mobility trike a few days ago. It does what it says on the packet and it roars up those hills and ditches and across grassy hills and up and down kerbs. Absolutely brilliant it is! I shall pop a video on as soon as I can for your delectation and delight.
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Physiotherapy Band
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Stuck In Hospital!
Today mum and dad and Gary came and we had coffee outside in the gorgeous sunshine before heading off to radiotherapy at another hospital. Not sure why dad's pulling that awful face!!!
I am having to stay in hospital until my house has been adapted for wheelchair, stairlift and ramps etc. I may ask my oncologist if I can at least go home to mum and dad's for the weekend as I don't have treatment then. I miss my family and little doggy so much!
I shall endeavour to keep you informed of anything interesting that happens. So far it has been dull, dull, DULL! In the meantime, I think that just possibly, maybe, there might be a slight improvement in my leg, so fingers crossed. :0)
Oh and of course now poor dad is having to decorate the bedroom and hall at break-neck speed in order to get me back home. I was SO determined to do most of it myself this time. I was even up a ladder stripping wallpaper only last Monday before all this happened. :0(
Saturday, 24 May 2008
New Bedroom
Notice the rubble in the corner which I have yet to clear up!
This afternoon we went and spent over £1000 on new bedroom furniture. Ooooh, what a treat! It's all on a loan though, so we'll be paying it for the next five years. Ho hum. It's jolly nice though. Because our antique headboard is walnut we chose a walnut bedroom suite. Not that it will match at all though! Still, we made the effort. :0) Here's what we've bought:
It's being delivered on 20th June so I have a month to get the bedroom decorated. That's more than enough time. We nipped into B&Q for some wallpaper samples while we were out. Here's what we came home with. My fave is currently No.2. I think it goes best with the bedspread. I don't think No.3 goes at all as it is too orangey. This loud paper is only for the bed wall, all the other walls will be in a much calmer colour!
Nothing else to report. Ta ta!
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Drugs, Regrowth and Creativeness
Here's some more creativeness. We did this in craft class this week and I can't for the life of me figure out why?!!!
It's called napkin decor. You basically cut out a pretty picture from a paper napkin and then glue it on a candle or soap. Obviously there's more to it than that what with all the special stuff you have to paint on the candle first, but....well...I don't really get it. Once you've done it you're not supposed to burn the candles, they're for decoration only. Our teacher, bless her, loves it and has these things all over her house! Hmmmm. Still, I enjoyed doing it though and the companionship of the class is lovely. :0)
Billy Bonsai is clawing his way back from the brink of death. Look at him now:
He has green shoots coming out from everywhere.
Thought you might be interested to see how many tablets I take daily. At the moment I'm up to 40 a day! I used to be someone who didn't like to take paracetamol for a headache. Sigh.
I'm going shopping with Emily this afternoon to try and get her some jewellery for her prom. Her red dress is in the shop getting taken up to a short length and she's now after white chunky plastic jewellery. Her shoes are white with red hearts and red bows at the back. She's hired a black Hummer limousine like this: for her and all her friends. How cool is that?
Sunday, 11 May 2008
MRI Results
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Red Buttons, Bathroom Tiles and MRI
Today I went for my monthly bone strengthening infusion at the hospital. While there I told Dr Manifold about my numb feet. He said it could be one of two things. Either my medication or the tumour on my spine is pressing on some nerves. To see one way or the other he sent me down for an MRI scan. I've never had one of those before. I laid down and was put into a big tube. I say big but it was only just big enough for my fat bum! Then I had to wear headphones as the machine is so noisy. The scan took about half an hour and I had a nice little snoozy-poozy as is was being done. There is one thing that I have been thinking of, up until now it has been assumed that the little shadow that was seen on my spine on the bone scan was a tumour. there has been no real proof. I suppose there is a slight chance that this scan would rule that out. Maybe I'm just dreaming, but by tonight I should get the phone-call to tell me one way or the other. I'll also get to know if there's anything else going on in there. Of course I shall let you know the results...
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Bonsai, Chain Stitch and Decorative Art & Weight Loss
And here's the tiny chain stitch I have done so far: